The I Ching Speaks!

     22.  Pi / Grace

          ---- ----     above     K^en    Keeping Still, Mountain
          ---- ----
          ---- ----     below     Li     The Clinging, Flame

     The Judgement

          Grace has success.
          In small matters
          It is favorable to undertake something.

     The Image

          Fire at the foot of the mountain:
          The image of Grace.
          Thus does the superior man proceed
          When clearing up current affairs.
          But he dare not decide controversial issues in this way.

     The Lines

          Nine at the beginning means:
          He lends grace to his toes, leaves the carriage, and walks.

          Nine in the third place means:
          Graceful and moist.
          Constant perseverance brings good fortune.

          Six in the fifth place means:
          Grace in hills and gardens.
          The roll of silk is meager and small.
          Humiliation, but in the end good fortune.

     ()   Nine at the top means:
          Simple grace. No blame.

     8.   Pi / Holding Together [Union]

          ---- ----
          ----------     above     K'an   The Abysmal, Water
          ---- ----
          ---- ----
          ---- ----     below     K'un   The Receptive, Earth
          ---- ----

     The Judgement

          Holding Together brings good fortune.
          Inquire of the oracle once again
          Whether you possess sublimity, constancy, and perseverance;
          Then there is no blame.
          Those who are uncertain gradually join.
          Whoever comes too late
          Meets with misfortune.

     The Image

          On the earth is water:
          The image of Holding Together.
          Thus the kings of antiquity
          Bestowed the different states as fiefs
          And cultivated friendly relations
          With the feudal lords.